BREAKFAST Fruit Juices Orange Tomato Grapefruit Prune Stewed Figs Preserved Rhubarb Chilled Apples Cereals Rolled Oats Puffed Rice Shredded Wheat Corn Flakes All Bran Weetabix Cream Yoghourt Fish Kippered Herrings Fried Fillet of Lemon Sole Egg Poached Fried Devilled Omelets Plain Chicken Ham Grill Bacon Gammon Slice Rump Steak Ox Kidneys Saute Potatoes Maire Cold Buffet Ham Oxford Brawn Breads, Etc. White and Brown Rolls Danish Pastries Toast Melba Toast Brioche Sweet Corn Waffles Vanilla Scones Hovis and Procea Breads Preserves Jams Marmalade Honey Golden Syrup Beverages Coffee Ceylon Tea Indian Tea China Tea Cocoa Instant Coffee: Nescafe and Sanka American Coffee Iced Tea Iced Coffee s.s CANBERRA Saturday 27th February 1971 Menu designed by Dorrit Dekk for P & 0 Lines showing 16th and 17th century navigational instruments Reproduced by courtesy of the National Maritime Museum Greenwich P & O