WiTh MIRTh ANd LAUqhTER LET Old WRINkLES COME! THE MIRTHFUL MONARCH Macadamia Nut Ice Cream and Kona Coffee Liqueur topped with a halo of pineapple. 1.00 MINT COOLER An island favorite, Creme De Menthe and Creme De Cacao blended into an airy light pie - topped with toasted coconut and whipped cream. 1.00 BEACHCOMBER CHEESECAKE Made in our own kitchens and a most distinctive taste treat. 1.00 WEIGHT WATCHERS DOWNFALL Nuts, raisins and wine blended with custard in a remarkable marriage. 1.00 PEPPERMINT RIBBON PIE A chocolate cookie crust with a filling of Peppermint Ice Cream and Hot Fudge. 1.00 OLDE FASHIONED STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE 1.00 Vanilla, Macadamia Nut or Peppermint Ice Cream .50 Guava Sherbet .50 Stilton Cheese and Crackers .75 KONA BLAZE A flaming brew of brandy, Kona Liqueur and coffee prepared at your table. 1.75 A DON THE BEACHCOMBER PRESENTATION OF SWEETS © Don The Beachcomber 1971 Pacific Palisades, California