THE Polynesian PUBLISHED DAILY AT SEA BY PacifiC Far East Line IBM8218 S.S. MARIPOSA En Route Los Angeles to Honolulu World News by United Press International (V78-5) Vienna - A 20-year-old Pole used a fake hand grenade made of bread to hijack a Polish airliner bound for Warsaw and forced it to Vienna. Police charged him with air piracy and said he had just been released from a Danish jail. Austrian police said the suspect, Jaroslaw Karasinski, surrendered shortly after the plane landed at Vienna's Schwe chat Airport. He was arrested on air piracy charges which carry a maximum sentence of 10 years in jail. Plains, Ga. - President elect Jimmy Carter met with his aides to discuss the problems involved in picking up the reins of government from the Ford admin istration. Vice President elect Walter Mondale was flying in later from Minnesota to take part in the talks and to join Carter in a nationally televised news conference Thursday night, President Ford has pledged his full cooperation in making the tran sition as smooth as possible and Carter said he in tended to take full advantage of that offer. Carter also said his staff and Mondale's already had been in contact with the White House to start making arrangements for the many changes that must take place between now and January 20th when Carter takes office. Carter relaxing at home after his 22 month campaign for the presidency skipped his usual visit to the family peanut warehouse Thursday and instead called in his top aides for a meeting, Carter will leave Friday or Saturday on a working SPIRIT OF '76 America's Bicentennial November 5th Massachusetts Post Office established, 1639 JEWISH SABBATH SERVICES Jewish Sabbath Services will be held in the Card Room on Promenade Deck at 5:30 p.m. today. Everyone is welcome. Rabbi Saul White, Cruise Chaplain, Officiating ALOHA! Today is Friday, November 5, 1976 Ship's clocks were set back 30 minutes, at 1:00 this morning and the ship is now on Hawaiian Standard Time. There will be no further time changes until after departure from Papeete, Tahiti. Planned Activities for Today are: 6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.-SELF-SERVICE COFFEE Pool Terrace 7:00 to 9:00 a.m.-CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST Pool Terrace 7:45 to 10:00 a.m.-BREAKFAST Dining (Open Sitting). 9:30 a.m.-SLIMASTICS Polynesian Club 10:00 a.m.-BRIDGE LECTURE Lounge 10:15 a.m.-HULA WITH KAUI Polynesian Club 12:15 to 2:00 p.m.-LUNCH (Open Sitting) Dining Room 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.-BUFFET LUNCH Pool Terrace Will feature: Creamed Chicken ala King with Biscuits and Honey; Steamed Garlic Sausage with Braised Sauer kraut; Baked Salmon Steak with Lemon Butter Sauce, Boiled Potatoes as the hot dishes. Cold cuts and salads are also served. 2:00 p.m.-MATINEE MOVIE Theater "'BREAKHEART PASS" (PG) Starring : Charles Bronson and Richard Crenna ( Approximate length : one hour, 35 minutes) (Will be shown again later in the voyage.) 2:30 p.m.-BRIDGE PLAY Card Room 3:30 p.m.-HULA GRADUATION Polynesian Club 4:00 p.m.-AFTERNOON TEA Lounge and Pool Terrace S:30 p.m.-JEWISH SABBATH SERVICES Card Room 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.-COCKTAIL HOUR SERENADE Polynesian Club 6:15 p.m.-DINNER (Regular Sitting) Dining Room 7:45 p.m.-DINNER (Late Sitting) Dining Room 8:30 p.m.-DANCING Polynesian Club 9:30 p.m.-EVENING MOVIE Theater "BAD NEWS BEARS" (PG) Starring: Walter Matthau and Tatum O'Neal ( Approximate length : one hour, 42 minutes) (Will be shown again later in the voyage:) 9:45 p.m.-"PAUL AND FRIENDS ENTERTAIN" Polynesian Club 10:00 p.m.-EVENING BUFFET Outrigger Bar 10:30 p.m.-DANCING Polynesian Club Ship's Officers' Dress This Evening - Casual (Coats and ties optional after 6:00 p.m.) PURSER'S OFFICE HOURS TODAY: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m, and 6:00 to 8:O0 p.m. The Polynesian PUBLISHED DAILY AT SEA BY Pacific Far East Line vaction of a week or less on the Georgia coast. Press director Rex Granum said Carter would take with him a transition calendar showing the schedule he must maintain and paperwork dealing with the hundreds of appointments that will be made by the new administration. A Carter campaign official has said that Americans can expect to see many new faces in Washington after Carter takes over, ap parently signalling a major shakeup at many high government levels. Granum said, however, that no announcements of major appointments or major changes are expected during the vacation. The con cept is to keep large numbers of persons flying in and out, but to give him some rest he said. TONIGHT 5:30 to 7:30 in the Polynesian Club COCKTAIL HOUR SERENADE Music by Lloyd Fox on the Baldwin Organ 8:30 in the Polynesian Club DANCING Music by the Mariposa Orchestra 9:30 in the Theater "BAD NEWS BEARS" A comedy film starring WAITER MATTHAU and TATUM 0'NEAL One hour, 42 minutes "PG" 9:45 in the Polynesian Club PAUL AND FRIENDS ENTERTAIN starring Paul Dana Kaui Barrett Bill and Frances McNess with a special guest appearance by Miss Jeannie Lyons Music by the Mariposa Orchestra Tom McNaughton - Piano Mark Teel - Saxophone Bill Ervin - Bass Dick Canal - Drums Lloyd Fox on the Organ Dancing Follows the Show Washington - The average price increase on 1977 automobiles is more than six times higher than the new model improvements are worth, the Labor Departmenlt reported. Implying that the auto price increases were highly inflationary, the department's Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated the value of quality changes in the 1977 models at about 15.5 percent of the actual price increase over 1976 autos. Beirut - Moslems and Christians battled across Beirut in the fiercest fighting since the latest cease fire went into effect. The fighting set the Parliament building on fire and delayed deployment of an Arab peacekeeping force. Tokyo - Japan's Parliament set December 5th as the date for the first national election since the Lockheed payoff scandal, which resulted in indict ments against former Prime Minister Kukuei Tanaka and other officials. Geneva - Black and white Rhodesians alike rejected a British compromise proposal to set March l, 1978 as the date for independence in Rhodesia under black majority rule. Black leaders said the date is too far away and the white minority regime said it would be too soon. London - British Prime Minister James Callaghan is sending congratulations to Jimmy Carter on his victory over President Ford and hopes to meet with him soon after his inauguration, a spokesman for Callaghan said. British officials said they do not expect the Carter administration's foreign policy to be much different from President Ford's. WHO ARE THEY? PAUL DANA - CRUISE DIRECTOR Paul Dana was born into a"Show Business" family. His mother, father and uncles all performed in the legitimate Theatre, and one uncle, Henry B. Walthall, starred in the movies "Little Colonel" and "Birth Of A Nation." Paul and his twin brother started as a song and dance act on the old Pantages orpheum circuit, at the age when most children are starting kindergarten. He has performed on the Standard Hour broadcasts, was a member of the San Francisco Opera Company for five years and the Los Angeles-San Francisco Civic Light Opera Association for over a decade, going to New York with the original companies of Song of Norway, Kismet, Gypsy Lady, Magladena, and credits with Carousel, Guys and Dolls and Roberta. He also performed for a number of years in leading clubs and hotels in 49 of the 50 states. Paul is in his 15th year as a Cruise Director on the MARIPOSA and MONTEREY, plus the MATSONIA and the famous LURLINE. When not sailing, he makes his home with his wife and daughter in a small community of 601 souls in North Central Iowa. Fort Lauderdale The community of Tamarac al lowed a boulder to be placed in a highway median strip to stop motorists from driving on the grass. Now it must pay $3.8 million to Tom Garchar who crashed his car into the 560-pound rock. Garchar was left a paraplegic. The community may have to raise taxes to do it. Washington - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld indicated to reporters he expects the views of Presi dent elect Jimmy Carter to have little impact on the defense budget now being drafted for presentation to Congress before President Ford leaves office in January. Moscow - A military court has sentenced seven Soviets to death by firing squad for betraying 1,100 members of the Russian resistance killed during the Nazi occupation in the Second World War, 30 years ago, the Soviet press said yesterday. Philadelphia - City police and the FBI are investi gating an extortion scheme in which 1,000 gallons of fuel oil would be dumpedin the city water supply unless a million dollars was paid. Officials believe the threat was a hoax and the money was not de livered. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Quotations are compiled by United Press International. Every effort is made to insure their accuracy. However, we assume no responsibility for errors which occur in transmission, or which may be due to other causes. Dow Jones Averages: 30 Industrials 960.44, up 3.91; 20 Trans. 215.75, up 5.83. Stand. & Poor's 500: 102.41, up 0.49. Sales volume: 21,700,000 shares Copies of a selected list of closing quotations are posted at the Purser's Office, the Library and the Outrigger Bar. NEWS ABOARD SHIP Slimnastics - Bill and Frances McNess will hold their final exercise class this morning at 9:30 in the Polynesian Club. There will be no dance class today. Both exercise and dance classes will resume after sailing from Honolulu. ACCOUNTS Statements of accounts for passengers debark ing in Honolulu will be distributed this morning and payment can be made at the Purser's Office in U. S. dollars, U. S. dollar travelers' checks, by Carte Blanche, Master Charge, Bank Americard or American Express credit cards or by personal check. All transactions for Honolulu debarking passengers today and until you disembark to morrow will be on a cash basis. Bridge Lecture - The subject of Admiral Herlihy's Bridge Lecture in the Lounge at 10:00 this morning is "Responding with Change of Suit." Hula Class - Kaui will give her final instructions in the Hula this morning at 10:15 in the Polynesian Club. Hula Graduation will be held at 3:30 this afternoon. Dinner Photos will be posted by 10:00 this morning. Debarking passengers must have photo orders in by 12:00 noon today. Orders may be picked up at the Purser's Office between 6:00 and 8:00 this evening. Rubber Bridge will be played in the Card Room starting at 2:30 this afternoon. Mrs. Herlihy will assist those in need of partners. Hula Graduation - At graduation ceremonies in Polynesian Club at 3:30 this afternoon, hula students who successfully completed the course and have passed the final examination will be awarded their Ph.D (Professional Hula Dancer) diplomas. Students who do not have caps and gowns are re quested to wear muu muus, grass skirts, Aloha shirts or other island sports wear. All friends and relatives of prospective graduates are invited to attend these important and impressive ceremonies. Dress for the Cocktail Hour, Dinner and Evening - will be in the tradition of "Aloha Friday" where the men wear Aloha shirts and women the traditional Muu Muu and Holoku or any sportswear you may have with you (no shorts or swimwear after 6:00 p.m., please). Cruise Cards - Identification Cards for cruise pas sengers continuing beyond Honolulu were distrib uted last evening. You will need these cards to charge at hotels where the MARIPOSA Lounges are located and 'they also permit you to ride the shuttle buses. Found - These items have been found and turned in to the Purser's Office: child's ring; lady's white sweater; man's turtleneck shirt; pair silk underwear; flowered necktie; print scarf; necklace; silver button. Please claim at the Purser's Counter. High Seas Radiotelephone Service Radiotelephone Service is available to all points during certain hours of the day. Please call tele phone operator for information. The Polynesian PUBLISHED DAILY AT SEA BY Pacific Far East Line Lighted Cigarettes, Cigars and Matches should not be thrown over the side of the ship, but placed in the proper receptacles. Laundromat - There is no charge for the use of the laundromat located on Upper Deck Aft and the soap and detergent packets are with the compli ments of Pacific Far East Line. Noise and Loud Talking carry considerable distance aboard ship and it is possible inadvertently to dis turb others. Please be considerate of your fellow passengers, particularly during late night and early morning hours when in passageways near state rooms or in staterooms. Safety Precautions - Passengers are requested not to leave the pool area with dripping wet swim suits. Water on any of the decks poses a slipping hazard for other passengers. Towels are available in the pool area from the Deck Stewards. Safety Suggestions for Young People - when moving about the ship, walk, do not run, as you may collide with someone who is stepping into the passageway. Parents are requested to impress upon young chil dren the importance of not running. United States Customs - Customs exemptions for returning United States residents were last revised effective October 1, 1965. These regulations limit the exemption on items acquired outside the United States and its territories and possessions to $100 (based on the fair retail value of each item in the countries where acquired), including not more than one quart of alcoholic beverages per adult. This exemption applies only to articles accompanying the returning resident. Information concerning United States Customs regulations is available at the Pur ser's Office. CHARTING YOUR COURSE WITH THE NAVIGATOR At Noon: Thursday, November 4, 1976 The Vessel's Position was: Latitude: 27° 56 ' North Longitude: 142° 21' west Day's Run: 464 Miles Steaming Time: 24 Hours and 30 Minutes Average Speed': 18.93 Knots Distance from Los Angeles: 1,2'92 Miles Distance to Honolulu: 938 Miles The ship's whistle is sounded at 12:00 noon Sunset today: 5:24 Sunrise tomorrow: b:30 Cigar Smoking - We ask your cooperation in not smoking cigars in the Dining Room. Thank you. Stateroom Doors - As stateroom doors are of metal construction and act as fire screen doors for your protection against fire, closing them hard causes con siderable noise. It would be appreciated if care were taken when opening and closing them to avoid disturbing fellow passengers. Drawers in staterooms are also of metal construction and care should also be used in closing them. Warning - Tropical sun rays are much stronger near the equator and in addition the wind and re flection from the sea will cause burn more quickly than you may realize. Hours to be most careful are from 11:OO in the morning to 2:00 in the afternoon. Remember, first exposures to tropical sun should be brief and only after application of sun tan lotion. CASINO NITE WINNERS : 1) Mr. Cyrus S. Grimshaw, 495 pts. 2) Mr. Marvin Devereux, 410 pts. 3) Mrs. Vernon Vale, 240 pts. 4) Mrs. Herbert G. Hopwood, 230 pts. 5) Mr. Linn L. Tinsman, 225 pts. 6) Mrs. Mary Davis, 200 pts. DEALERS: Mrs. Daris Kaye; Mrs. William Passmore, Ms. Jeannie Lyons, Mrs. Mary Herlihy, Tony Sullivan, Mark Sullivan, Mr. Frank Anker, Mr. Giles De Wolf, Mr. J. Jotpraydon, Mr. H.G. Johnson, Mr. Ed Marks, Mr. Paul Hutchinson. RUBBER BRIDGE WINNERS (11-4-76): First: Mr. and Mrs. Stan.Hickley. Second: Mrs. Herbert Hopwood - Mrs. Mary Davis. BRIDGE QUIZ NO. 3-76R WINNER : Mrs. ~Dorothy G. Manchester. FLAGS FLOWN IN PORT At the Jack Staff (On the Bow) - The "Union Jack," the flag showing the can ton, or union, of the national ensign (biue field with 50 stars), It is called "The Union" as it represents national unity. Starboard Yard Arm - Outboard - Naval Reserve Pennant - Blue with eagle and anchors. Next Inboard - U. S. Mail Flag (indicates we are carrying mail). Port Yard Arm Outboard - Pacific Far East Line House Flag (Golden Bear on blue field). Next Inboard - "Q" - A yellow flag used when radio pratique not granted. (I have a healthy ship and request pratique.) Next inboard can be any one of three flags: "G" - Yellow and blue stripes (request pilot). "H" - Red and white (have pilot on board). "P" - Blue field with white square. (I am about to proceed to sea).