THE Polynesian PUBLISHED DAILY AT SEA BY Pacific Far East Line IBM8218 Wecome aboard the S.S. Mariposa from the Captain, Officers and Crew This is the first edition of your daily four-page shipboard newspaper, "The Polynesian." It will be delivered to your stateroom each morning, providing you with the latest news of the world and full information about shipboard events. Watch it for announcements and news. We hope your cruise with us, will be both delightfully relaxing and excitingly different. And as you enjoy the seren ity and elegance of the sea life aboard our proud all American ship, we hope your cruise experience will be one that you will remember and cherish for years to come. THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW Purser's Office - The Purser's Office is located on Main Deck. For hours see the Daily Polynesian. Dining Room Hours and Assignments - You will find the Dining Room hours noted on the small table assignment card which the Headwaiter will give you. We request your cooperation in observing these hours, since others have hours following you or preceding you at the table. If table assignment notices have not been placed in your stateroom, please contact the Headwaiter for assignment. Dress Suggestions - For sailing nights and nights before arrivals, informal dress is the custom. Formal dress for dinner and evening wear is optional other nights. We respectfully request that both coats and ties be worn to dinner and in all public rooms after 6:00 p.m. Bathing attire should not be worn in the Dining Room or the public rooms on Promenade Deck. Electrical Appliances - Please make sure your shaver or other electrical appliances are designed to oper ate on 110 volts, alternating current, prevailing throughout the ship. Converters for 220 volt electric razors are available, for loan, at the Purser Office. Fresh Fruit and Ice will be supplied to your state room upon request. Room Service - To call Room Steward, Stewardess, Bell Boy or Night Steward, please use the telephone. Operators are on duty 24 hours a day. All requests for bar service, valet service, etc., should be placed with them for immediate attention. Mail and Telegrams - Any mail which has been received for you at this time will he found at the Purser's Office. Mail not called for will be delivered to staterooms as soon as possible after sailing. SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1976 11:00 a.m.-SAIL FOR LOS ANGELES 12:15 to 2:00 p.m.-LUNCH (Open Sitting) Dining Room 2:00 p.m.-AFTERNOON MOVIE Theater "THE HINDENBURG" (Rated PG) George C. Scott and Anne Bancroft (Approximate length : two hours, five minutes) 4:00 p.m.-AFTERNOON TEA Lounge 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. COCKTAIL HOUR SERENADE Polynesian Club 6:15 to 8:00 p.m.-DINNER (Open Sitting) Dining Room 7:30 p.m.-EARLY MOVIE Theater "ROBIN AND MARIAN" (Rated PG) Sean Connery and Audrey Hepburn (Approximate length: one hour, 46 minutes) 8:30 p.m.-DANCING Polynesian Club 9:30 p.m.-LATE MOVIE Theater "ROBIN AND MARIAN" (Rated PG) 9:45 p.m.-THE STAFFERS "MINI-SHOW" Polynesian Club 10:00 p.m.-EVENING BUFFET Outrigger Bar Ship's Officers' Dress This Evening - Informal (Gentlemen are requested to wear coats and ties after 6:00 p.m.) THE Polynesian PUBLISHED DAILY AT SEA BY Pacific Far East Line Facilities and Services BAGGAGE ROOM You may store your excess baggage in one of the Baggage Rooms, which is available for access at convenient hours. Consult your Room Steward or the Purser's Office. BAR The Outrigger Bar is completely stocked to satisfy your every wish and opens at 10 a.m. every morning. Special cocktail parties may be arranged through the Chief Steward's Office. In the Dining Room, the Wine Steward will assist in selecting wines, orders for which may be placed in advance. Bar List prices are based on 1¼-oz. drinks. BARBER SHOP Located on Main Deck on the starboard side. Flours: 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. by appointment, daily including Sundays. BEAUTY SALON Located on Main Deck, forward, starboard side. Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. by appointment, daily including Sundays. BULLETIN BOARDS The daily Program of Events will be posted on the ship's Bulletin Boards located on Main Deck near the Purser's Office and in the Forward Foyer on Promenade Deck. Charging Your Shipboard Purchases - Our wish is to make your cruise as uncomplicated as possible. For your convenience you are invited to utilize our shipboard accounts system. Cash payments are not required of our passengers for purchases or services aboard ship. Simply sign your name and room number on checks as they are presented (you may add gratuities to checks if you wish) and the charge is automatically posted to your personal account. Before your voyage ends you will be furnished a statement of your shipboard account by the Purser's Office. Payment may be made by personal check, Travellers' Checks or in cash. We also accept American Express, Carte Blanche, Bank Americard and Master Charge credit cards. COMPLAINTS It is earnestly hoped that there will be nothing to mar your complete satisfaction during your voyage. But, should there be inattention on the part of any member of the ship's personnel or any occurrence that causes inconvenience or annoyance, we will appreciate a prompt report to the Purser's Office. BOOTBLACK SERVICE Room Steward will deliver shoes to bootblack on request. DOCTOR'S OFFICE The medical staff of the s.s. MARIPOSA consists of a physician-surgeon who is one of the senior staff officers. He is assisted by two registered nurses and a male hospital technician. The ship is supplied with the latest drugs and medications, and has a modern operating room. The Doctor's Office is lo cated on Main Deck, starboard side, near the Pur ser's Office. Hours: 10 to 11 a.m.; 3 to 4 p.m. and by appointment. Emergencies will be treated at any time. Motion sickness medicine is given without charge. Other drugs are supplied only by prescrip tion of the doctor. There is a nominal fee charged for service not directly related to the ship. FOOD SERVICE Deck Buffet Breakfast (fruit juice, rolls, scrambled eggs, bacon or ham and coffee, tea and milk) is served in the Pool Terrace from 7:00 to 9:00 every morning at sea. Far your convenience, Continental Breakfast (Juices, Danish Pastry, toast, coffee, tea, milk, chocolate, sanka) may be ordered the night before for service in your Stateroom between 7:30 and 9:00 each morning by simply completing the "Continental Breakfast" card placed in your state room and hanging it on the outside door knob be fore retiring. A Deck Buffet Luncheon is served in the Pool Terrace from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Coffee service is available in the Pool Terrace from 6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Room service is available at all times. Please call telephone operator. DECK CHAIRS Reservations are not necessary for steamer chairs and rugs which are provided without charge. MOTION SICKNESS MEDICINE may be ob tained free of charge from the Doctor's Office, from your Room Steward, or from the Purser's Of flee. This medicine is called Marezine and it can give substantial relief for those inclined towards motion sickness. LAUNDRY AND PRESSING ROOM Automatic washing machines, driers, electric irons and ironing boards are available for passenger use in the Laundromat, Upper Deck aft. LIBRARY Located on Promenade Deck, forward, starboard side. For hours see the Daily Polynesian. LAUNDRY SERVICE For your personal laundry, you will find a bag and lists in your stateroom. Please consult the Steward's Office regarding laundering of delicate garments. LOST AND FOUND ARTICLES Please inquire at the Purser's Office. MARINER SHOP Souvenirs, toilet articles, cigarettes, playing cards, and a wide variety of other travel accessories may be purchased at the Mariner Shop, located on Main Deck, forward. For hours, see the Daily Polynesian. PETS Pets are not permitted in staterooms, but provisions are made for their comfort in deck kennels, attended by a member of the ship's personnel. Owners may visit kennels, but it is not permissible to take pets from the immediate area. Pets must be kept on a leash when not in the kennels. PHOTOGRAPHER Located on Main Deck, forward, port side. A dis play of photos taken will be in the Gallery on Prom enade Deck. For hours see the Daily Polynesian. ROOM STEWARDS Room Stewards are on duty at the following hours: 8:OO a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Your Steward will gladly show you how to regulate the air-conditioning and musical broadcasts in your room. Stateroom Doors - As stateroom doors are of metal construction and act as fire screen doors for your safety against fire, closing them hard causes con siderable noise. It would be appreciated if care were taken when opening and closing them to avoid disturbing fellow passengers. Drawers in staterooms are also of metal construction and care should also be used in closing them. RADIO MESSAGES Incoming radiograms will be delivered to you promptly. Send outgoing messages from the Radio Room on Boat Deck, forward on the port side. Inter national regulations prohibit the use of the ship's equipment in port. Radiograms can be sent from the main post office in most ports. Incoming radio grams should be sent in care of the local Pacific Far East Line agent in each port. Radio Telephone service is available to all points during certain hours of the day. Please call telephone operator for infor mation. SHORE EXCURSIONS A well-rounded program of shore excursions is avail able during the voyage. Before arrival at each port information will be made available concerning the tours to be offered. Reservations can be made with the Tour Escort at the Purser's Office. For further information, please see the Daily Polynesian. TAILOR AND VALET SERVICE Please call for a bellboy to take clothing for press ing. The Valet can arrange for complete dry clean ing at certain ports of call. TIME CHANGES Time is kept aboard ships according to geographical position. Information concerning time changes will be published in the Daily Polynesian. Typewriters - Portable typewriters are available for your complimentary use. Please arrange at the Purser's Office for their use in your stateroom. VALUABLES The company will not be responsible for money, jewelry, or other valuables belonging to passengers. Complimentary safe deposit boxes are available at the Purser's Office. Passengers are advised to keep staterooms locked, particularly when the vessel is in port. Length, 553 feet. Breadth, 76 feet. Tonnage, 20,000. Cruising Speed, 21 Knots. Shaft Horsepower, 19,250. Accommodations for 365. Crew, 276. KNOTS AND MILES In the United States the nautical mile, used for the measurement of distances in ocean navigation, is 6,080.27 feet. The geographical mile, which is the length of one minute of longitude at the Equator, is 6,087.15 feet. The statute mile, used principally in land measurements, is 5,280 feet. One nautical mile equals 1.15 statute miles. A knot is one nautical mile per hour; 20 knots means the ship is traveling at the rate of 20 nautical miles per hour. GENERAL INFORMATION The Promenade Deck is approximately 42 feet above the water line and the Boat Deck is approximately 52 feet above the water line. At an elevation of 50 feet you can see eight miles to the horizon. Port Side: The left side of the ship facing forward-identified by a red running light. Starboard Side: The right side of the ship facing forward-identified by a green running light. Fore, forward: Towards the bow of the ship. Aft, after: Towards the stern of the ship. Fathom: Unit of length equal to six feet. THE Polynesian PUBLISHED DAILY AT SEA BY Pacific Far East IJne Engine Room Tours - Because of operational re quirements it will not be possible to operate engine room tours during this voyage. Boat Deck forward of the ladder leading to Prom enade Deck will be closed to the public during certain hours of the night and early morning as heavy walking and jogging is disturbing to those passengers immediately below. Your cooperation will be appreciated. Mail - It is recommended that passengers put their name and return address on all letters to ensure return in case of non-delivery for any reason. Weather Information - To enable you to dress ap propriately, each morning you may inquire of the Telephone Operator of the temperatures and weather on deck. Writing Room - Located on Promenade Deck, for ward, port side. Warning - Tropical Sun As we sail toward the Tropics, the sun's rays become increasingly stronger and in addition the wind and reflection from the sea will cause burn more quickly than you may realize. Hours to be most careful are from 11:00 in the morn ing to 2:00 in the afternoon. Remember, first ex posures to tropical sun should be brief and only after application of sun tan lotion. Safety Precautions - Passengers are requested not to leave the pool area with dripping wet swim suits. Water on any of the decks poses a slipping hazard for other passengers. Towels are available in the pool area from the Deck Stewards. KNOTS AND MILES In the United States the nautical mile, used for measurement of distances in ocean navigation is 6,080.27 feet. The geographical mile which is the length of one minute of longitude at the Equator, is 6,087.15 feet. The statute mile, used principally in land measurement, is 5,280 feet. A knot is one nautical mile per hour, i.e., 20 knots means the ship is traveling at the rate of 20 nautical miles per hour. Equivalents: 1 nautical mile 1.15 statute miles 5 nautical miles 5.76 statute miles 10 nautical miles 11.52 statute miles 15 nautical miles 17.27 statute miles 20 nautical miles 23.03 statute miles 25 nautical miles 28.79 statute miles FLAGS FLOWN IN PORT At the Jack Staff (On the Bow)- The "Union Jack," the flag showing the canton, or union, of the national ensign (blue field with 50 stars). It is called "The Union" as it represents national unity. Starboard Yard Arm- Outboard - Naval Reserve Pennant - Blue with eagle and anchors. Next Inboard - U. S. Mail Flag (indicates we are carry ing mail). Port Yard Arm- Outboard - Pacific Far East Line House Flag. (Golden Bear on blue field). Next Inboard - "Q" - A yellow flag used when radio pratique not granted. (I have a healthy ship and request pratique). Next inboard can be any one of three flags: "G" Yellow and blue stripes (request pilot). "H" Red and white (have pilot on board). "P" Blue field with white square. (I am about to proceed to sea). SHIP'S OFFICERS How to identify them (Rank and Departmental Insignia) CAPTAIN: Anchor over one broad gold stripe. CHIEF OFFICER: Anchor over four gold stripes. SECOND OFFICER : Anchor over two and a half gold stripes. THIRD OFFICERS: Anchor over two gold stripes. CHIEF ENGINEER: Propeller over four gold stripes. FIRST ASST. ENGINEER: Propeller over three gold stripes. SR. SECOND ASST. ENGINEER : Propeller over two and a half gold stripes. JR. SECOND ASST. ENGINEER: Propeller over two gold stripes. THIRD ASST. ENGINEER: Propeller over one and a half gold stripes. LICENSED JUNIOR ENGINEERS: Propeller over one gold stripe. CHIEF PURSER: Oak Leak over three gold stripes. SR. ASST. PURSER: Oak Leaf over two and half gold stripes. TOUR ESCORT: Oak Leaf over two gold stripes. PAYMASTER and CASHIER : Oak Leaf over two gold stripes. JR. ASST. PURSER : Oak Leaf over one and a half gold stripes. SURGEON : Caduceus over three gold stripes. CHIEF RADIO OFFICER: Sparks over three gold stripes. FIRST ASST. RADIO OFFICER : Sparks over two and a half gold stripes. SECOND ASST. RADIO OFFICER : Sparks over two gold stripes. THIRD ASST. RADIO OFFICER: Sparks over one and a half gold stripes. CHIEF STEWARD: Spread Oak Leaves over three gold stripes. SECOND STEWARD : Spread Oak Leaves over two gold stripes. THIRD STEWARD : Spread Oak Leaves over one and a half gold stripes. When officers are in white uniform, similar insignia of department and rank will be shown on the shoulder epaulet instead of on the sleeve of the coat.