Luncheon Appetizers Orange Juice Hors d'oeuvre Varies Soup Potage Garbure, Crecy Fish Coquilles Saint Jacques Mornay (Scallops in Cheese Sauce and Baked) Main Course Salad Hermine (Julienne of Chicken Lettuce, Celery, Chivory, Potatoes and Mayonnaise) Farinaceous Spatzellis in Butter Entree Sikabob Curry with Rice (Beef, Ginger and Potatoes) Joint Roast Ribs of Beef (with Saute of Egg Plant, Tomatoes and Mushrooms) Grill to Order Liver, Bacon, Tomatoes, and Onion Sauce Vegetables Zucchini Squash Mixed Vegatables Potatoes Creamed Boiled Allemande Baked Jacket Cold Buffet Sirloin of Beef Ham Side of Lamb Corned Ox Tongue Salad Lettuce, Tomato and Cole Slaw Tossed Green Dressings Mayonnaise French Roquefort Sweets Baked Golden Roll Strawberry Gateau Bread and Butter Custard Sweet Sauces Chocolate Melba Butterscotch Cheese Gorgonzola Leicester Edam Port du Salut Zealand Cheddar Leicester Specially Matured English Cheddar Biscuits Bath Oliver Cream Crackers Betterwheat Ryvita Breakfast Table Water Vita-Weat Water Fresh Fruit In Season Beverages Coffee Ceylon, Indian and China Tea American Coffee Instant Coffee:- Nescafe and Sanka Tea and Coffee are also available in the Public Rooms A wide range of liqueurs is available in the Public Rooms Chef's suggestions in bold type s.s. ORINA Tuesday, 31st October, 1972 Menu designed by Dorrit Dekk for P & 0 Lines showing 16th and 17th century navigational instruments Reproduced by courtesy of the National Maritime Museum Greenwich