THE Polynesian PUBLISHED DAILY AT SEA BY Pacific Far East Line IBM8218 S.S. MARIPOSA En Route Los Angeles to Honolulu World News by United Press International SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1975 (V64-2) CAPTAIN J. H. KILPACK, Commanding Chief Officer J. D. CORSON Chief Engineer R. G. TOMPKINS The Officers and Crew Welcome You Aboard The S.S. MARIPOSA J.P. YONGE Chief Purser J.A. COLTON Chief Steward T.E. McGUE Chief Radio Officer R.M. SEALS First Assistant Engineer H.W. HAIG, M.D Surgeon W.D. MaDONALD Senior Assistant Purser w.J. KELLY Tour Escort W.B. ZAMBRESKY Paymaster D.E. GORMAN Cashier K. YOSHINAKA Second Steward GERARD MEEUWISSE Executive Chef MAURICE HEROD Headwaiter CRUISE STAFF PAUL DANA Cruise Director PHYLLIS OLSTA Social Directress THOMAS McNAUGHTON Orchestra Leader LLOYD FOX Organist MR. AND MRS. J. LIBANOFF Dance Instructors MR. AND MRS. E.A. NICHOLSON Art Instructors MS. DEBRA FULK Assistant Art Instructor MR. AND MRS. VAL CIOCHON Bridge Instructors MISS ANNELLE DELFS Cruise Entertainer THE GENTRY BROTHERS Cruise Entertainers Washington - A congressional study said Saturday New York City's default, inevitable without federal help, will slow the nation's economic recovery, add four billion dollars to the federal deficit, and throw 300,000 people out of work. The report was critical of New York City's leaders from 1960 to 1974, when the number of New York City employes increased by 70 percent. SUNDAY RELIGIOUS SERVICES 9:30 a.m.-Holy Mass Lounge Father Martin D. McGovern, Celebrant 10:30 a.m.-Protestant Nondenominational Service Lounge Paul Dana, Cruise Director, Officiating SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES For additional information please refer to News Aboard Ship 6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SELF-SERVICE COFFEE Pool Terrace 7:00 to 9:00 a.m.-CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST Pool Terrace 8:15 to 10:00 a.m.-BREAKFAST Dining Room 9:30 a.m. a.m.-HOLY MASS Lounge 10:30 a.m.-NONDENOMINATIONAL SERVICES Lounge 12:05 p.m.-PASSENGER BOAT STATION MUSTER At Your Station 12:15 p.m.-LUNCH (Regular Sitting) Dining Room 1:00 p.m.-MATINEE MOVIE Theater "GONE WITH THE WIND" Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh (Approximate length; three hours, 40 minutes) To be shown again later in voyage 1:30 p.m.-LUNCH (Late Sitting) Dining Room 3:45 to 4:45 p.m.-GOLF DRIVING Paddle Tennis Court (Weather Permitting) 4:00 p.m.-AFTERNOON TEA Polynesian Club and Pool Terrace 5:30 p.m.-CAPTAIN'S CHAMPAGNE PARTY Lounge (Regular Sitting) 6:15 p.m.-DINNER (Regular Sitting) Dining Room 6:45 p.m.-CAPTAIN'S CHAMPAGNE PARTY Lounge (Late Sitting) 7:30 p.m.-EARLY MOVIE Theater "PRISONER OF SECOND AVENUE" Jack Lemmon and Ann Bancroft (Approximate length: one hour, 38 minutes) 7:45 p.m.-DINNER (Late Sitting) Dining Room 8:00 p.m.-ORGAN SERENADE Polynesian Club 9:00 p.m.-DANCING Polynesian Club 9:30 p.m.-LATE MOVIE Theater "PRISONER OF SECOND AVENUE" 9:30 p.m.-CHAMPAGNE DANCES Polynesian Club 10:00 p.m.-EVENING BUFFET Outrigger Bar Ship's Officers' Dress This Evening - Formal (Gentlemen are requested to wear coats and ties after 6:00 p.m.) PASSENGER BOAT STATION MUSTER A Boat Station Muster will be held this afternoon at 12:05 p.m. for all passengers. Upon sounding of the Boat Station Signal, please muster at your lifeboat station. Passengers are encouraged to wear their life jackets as per U. S. Coast Guard regulations. You may ascertain your lifeboat station by referring to the card posted on the back of your bathroom door. THE Polynesian PUBLISHED DAILY AT SEA BY Pacific Far East Line Washington - Treasury sources said Saturday they expect Secretary William Sirnon to resurrect the two dollar bill, the unloved orphan of U.S. cur rency, in a bid to replace its bad luck image with Bicentennial luster. The treasury sources said Simon would announce the revival of the bill Monday. Madrid - Generalissimo Francisco Franco suffered renewed internal bleeding Saturday but mustered the strength to take communion with his family and aides. His sister said only a miracle could save him. Los Angeles - Police Saturday questioned a man calling himself "death," who demanded $100,000 for the life of a hostage, but was arrested in a bus terminal as he sought to pick up the ransom. Police said they believed the suspect, Francis Raymond St. John, might be a hoaxer and that there might not be any hostage. Houston - Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, ending a whirlwind Texas visit with a rodeo and barbecue Saturday, flew to Jacksonville, Fla. for a visit with an oil millionaire and President Ford. Sadat, his family and aides will take over the mansion of mil lionaire Raymond Mason, chairman of the charter company which has extensive oil and banking in terests in the Middle East. Greenwich, Conn. - Connecticut's chief medical examiner performed an autopsy Saturday on the body of a 15-year-old girl bludgeoned to death on her family's estate inside an exclusive compound guarded by private police. Investigators questioned companions of the slain girl, who was last seen alive Thursday night at the home of a nephew of Ethel Kennedy, widow of Senator Robert Kennedy. TONIGHT In The Polynesian Club A TIME FOR FUN AND GAMES as planned by Paul Dana Phyllis Olsta Mr. and Mrs. J. Libanoff With Champagne Prizes and Other Surprises Music by Tom McNaughton and the Mariposa Orchestra with Intermissions by Fox Port Moresby, Papua - More than 1,000 warriors from two rival tribes donned war paint and went into battle Saturday, wielding axes, spears and ar rows over a forbidden love affair. Five tribesmen died from arrow and spear wounds, police said. Boston - Nuclear war will likely erupt by the end of this century and a world government may be the only way to keep nations from blowing up the world, according to a group of nuclear arms experts. Five panelists at a Harvard arms control seminar said they believed nuclear war in some form will erupt before 1999, but they said it would likely not originate with the United States and the Soviet Un ion, but with relatively smaller nations like Israel and its Arab neighbors, India and Pakistan or Afri can nations. Moscow - The Soviet Union staged a dress rehearsal of the nation's annual military parade early Satur day with a sharp cutback in the traditional display of strategic weapons, western military experts said the trial run indicated the parade through Red Square next Friday would be half the size of previ ous years, with none of the usual heavy weaponry. Washington - Senator Carl Curtis believes time takes care of many things and predicted Saturday that Richard Nixon one day will have a renewed role in national affairs and Republican politics. "I believe that he has an experience in government and a great knowledge in many things, and that a time will come when he can render a very valuable service," Curtis said. NEWS ABOARD SHIP Breakfast Seating - The Dining Room is open for breakfast from 5:15 to 10:00 a.m. on an "open" basis without regard to the regular table assignments. Passengers for Ports Beyond Honolulu - If you have not done so as yet please turn in your passports and vaccination cards at the Purser's Office today. Please be certain your vaccination cards are signed and your birthdate filled in before turning them in. CAPTAIN'S CHAMPAGNE PARTY Captain J. H. Kilpack cordially invites all pas sengers to a "Welcome Aboard" Champagne Party in the Lounge this evening at 5:30 p.m. for those passengers on the regular sitting and at 6:45 p.m, for those passengers on the late sitting. Non-alcoholic punch will also be served. Mariner Club - The Mariner Club will meet during the voyage to welcome new members. You are eli gible to advance in rank if you have logged suffi cient additional Pacific Far East Line and Vlatson mileage since your last certificate was issued. Club members are requested to register at the Purser's Office at your earliest convenience. If you are not a member of the Mariner Club and you have pre viously sailed on a PFEL or Matson ship (other than the return of a round trip ticket), you are eligible for membership; certificate of rank is determined by the number of miles logged: Honorary Navigator 0-14,999 miles Honorary Captain 15,000-34,999 miles Honorary Commodore 35,000-74,999 miles Honorary Fleet Commodore 75,000-89,999 miles Honorary Vice Admiral 90,000-149,999 miles Honorary Fleet Admiral 150,000-199,999 miles Honorary Grand Admiral 200,000 and over If you qualify, please make application for mem bership at the Purser's Office by 3:OO p.m. today. Dress Suggestions - Formal dress for dinner and evening wear is customary, though optional. Coats and ties should be worn in public rooms after 6:00 p.m. Bathing attire should not be worn in the Din ing Room or public rooms. Travel Books - We request that you return books about the ports we visit and the areas in which we travel as soon as you have read them as others may wish to read them. We also request that you check out only one travel book at a time. Noise and Loud Talking carry considerable distance aboard ship and it is possible inadvertently to dis turb others. Please be considerate of your fellow passengers, pariricularly during late night and early morning hours when in passageways near state rooms or in staterooms. CHARTING YOUR COURSE WITH THE NAVIGATOR TIME CHANGE - Ship's clocks were set back 30 minutes at 1:00 this morning and will be set back another 30 minutes at the same time tomor row morning. The Ship's Whistle is sounded at 12 Noon The S. S. MARIPOSA is now starting Voyage No. 64 under the Pacific Far East Line Flag. Voyage No. 64 will terminate on our return to San Francisco on Saturday, December 13, 1975. Passenger Information and Hawaii Visitor Bureau Forms - It is requested that all passengers com plete and return to the Purser's Office today the immigration forms placed in staterooms last night. This form contains information required for port formalities at all ports. It will also enable us to provide you with a "home town" passenger list. Please turn in passports and vaccination cards (signed) at the same time. These documents will be returned to you at your debarkation port. Leaving them at the Purser's Office will save you from pass ing inspections at ports en route. Daily Run Pool - Mileage pool numbers on today's noon position will be sold until 11:00 this morning. Numbers on tomorrow's pool may be purchased in the Outrigger Bar after 1:30 this afternoon. Golf Driving - The MARIPOSA golf driving range is located on the Paddle Tennis Court on Sports Deck forward of the stack and is open from 3:45 to 4:45 each afternoon at sea (weather permitting). SHORE EXCURSIONS - HONOLULU THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1975 HS-1-Aloha Paradise Park Tour 2:00 p.m. HS-2-Scenic City and Punchbowl Tour 2:00 p.m. Reservations for these tours may be made at the Purser's Office no later than Tuesday, November 4th. NOTE: As these tours are not operated by Pacific Far East Line, cancellations cannot be accepted after the announced deadline. There will be no refund for failure to complete tours or not utilizing all services and facilities included as part of the tours. Occasionally, as a result of circumstances beyond our control, it will be necessary to change the routing of the tours or to make substitutions of stops. Charging Your Shipboard Purchases Our wish is to make your cruise as uncompli cated as possible. For your convenience you are invited to utilize our shipboard accounts system. Cash payments are not required of our passen gers for purchases or services aboard ship. Simply sign your name and room number on checks as they are presented (you may add gra tuities to checks if you wish) and the charge is automatically posted to your personal account. Before your cruise ends, you will be furnished a statement of your shipboard account by the Purser's Office. Payment may be made by personal check Travellers' Checks or in cash. We also accept AMERICAN EXPRESS, CARTE BLANCHE, BANK AMERICARD and MASTER CHARGE credit cards. THE Polynesian PUBLISHED DAILY AT SEA BY Pacific Far East Line News Broadcasts - An effort is made to pick up the best radio news programs for distribution through the speakers in your stateroom. These include short wave programs from the Voice of America and Armed Forces Network, as well as standard broad casts from local stations. However, atmospheric dis turbances, sunspot activity, electrical storms and other conditions frequently make reception from a given station unsatisfactory, or impossible. It is not possible to know in advance which specific stations will provide satisfactory reception, but we attempt to pick up the stations with the best reception for rebroadcast to your staterooms. News and enter tainment radio is not a function of the Radio Room but is provided by the Purser's Office. Shipboard Facilities BARBER SHOP - Located on Main Deck, starboard side. Hours are 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 to 5:30 p.m. daily, including Sundays. Please phone for appointment. BAR HOURS - The Outrigger Bar is open daily from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight. Orders for bottled spirits may be placed with the Telephone Operator. Delivery to staterooms will be between 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. and between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. BEAUTY SALON - Located on Main Deck, starboard side. Hours are 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 to 5:30 p.m. daily, including Sundays. Please telephone for appointment. BOOTBLACK SERVICE - Room Stewards will deliver shoes to bootblack for service upon request. BREAKFAST - Breakfast will be served in the Dining Room from 8:15 to 10:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast will be served on the Pool Terrace from 7:00 to 9:00 each morning at sea. CAUTION TO PASSENGERS - A fire at sea is extremely dangerous. Your cooperation in observing the following safety rules is requested: (1) Make sure cigarettes and cigars are extinguished before dropping in receptacles. (2) Do not throw lighted cigarettes or cigars over the side of the ship. The wind may blow them back aboard. (3) Do not hang clothes or other articles over light fixtures. COCKTAIL PARTIES - Passengers wishing to arrange for private cocktail parties in staterooms or Outrigger Bar may do so by phoning the Chief Steward's Office at their earliest convenience. DECK SPORTS - Courts for Quoits, Paddle Tennis, Deck Tennis and Shuffle Board are located on Sports Deck. Equipment for these games will be found in the lockers on this deck. Ping Pong tables are located on Promenade Deck, forward. DINING ROOM HOURS - Breakfast: 8:15 to 10:00 a.m., open sitting. Lunch: 12:15 p.m. and Dinner 6:15 p.m. for regular sitting. Lunch 1:30 p.m. and Dinner 7:45 p.m. for late sitting. DOCTOR'S OFFICE - Located on Main Deck, starboard side, next the Purser's Office. Hours at sea: 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. In Port: 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. For emergencies at any time, telephone the nurse. Motion sickness medicine is given without charge. Other drugs are given by prescription only and for certain of these a small charge is made. Fees charged are usually less than those for similar services ashore. FRESH FRUIT AND ICE for your stateroom use is available. Notify your Room Steward of your requirements. GAMES - Dominoes, Chess, Cribbage Boards, Scrabble and other similar games are available in the Card Room on Promenade Deck, adjoining the Southern Cross Lounge. GOLF DRIVING - The MARIPOSA Golf Driving Range is located on the Paddle Tennis Court and is open at sea from 3:45 to 4:45 p.m. daily (weather permitting). LIBRARY HOURS - The Library is open 24 hours a day. Books are available for your convenience. Please return books to Library when you have finished reading them. Please contact Lounge Steward for travel and reference books in locked cases. HAIR DRYERS - Six General Electric Deluxe Portable Hair Dryers are available for use in your stateroom. Please arrange at the Purser's Office for their use. SCORE PADS - Bridge, Canasta and Gin Rummy score pads are available in the Card Room adjoining the Southern Cross Lounge. LAUNDRY SERVICE - For your personal laundry, you will find a bag and list in your stateroom. LAUNDRY AND PRESSING ROOM - Automatic washing machines, driers, electric irons and ironing boards are available for your use in the Laundromat, Upper Deck aft. LOST AND FOUND ARTICLES - All found articles should be turned in to the Purser's Office. Passengers losing any of their property should inquire at the Purser's Office. MARINER SHOP - Located on Main Deck, forward foyer. Souvenirs, magazines, candy, toilet articles, gifts, sports clothing, film, cigars, tobacco, cigarettes and playing cards are available here. Daily hours at sea including Sundays: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Closed in port). PHOTOGRAPHER - In order for you to preserve memories of your voyage on the MARIPOSA, there is a shipboard photographer on board to take pictures. His shop is located on Main Deck, port side. Hours; 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. daily at sea. Display of photographs taken will be in the Gallery on Promenade Deck. QUOITS - Courts are located on Promenade Deck, aft. RADIOGRAMS may be sent from the Radio Office located on Boat Deck on the port side when the ship is at sea. International regulations do not permit the use of the ship's radio equipment when the ship is in port. RADIOTELEPHONE SERVICE is available at sea to worldwide destinations. Information concerning this service may be obtained at the Radio Office on the port side of Boat Deck. ROOM STEWARD HOURS - Room Stewards are on duty the following hours: 8:00 to 11:30 a.m.; 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.; 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. To contact your Room Steward please call the telephone operator. SHIP'S ELECTRICAL CURRENT - Please make certain your electrical appliances operate on 110 volts, alternating current. TYPEWRITERS - Portable typewriters are available for your complimentary use. Please arrange at the Purser's Office for their use in your stateroom. VALET SERVICE - Please call a bellboy to take clothing for pressing to the Tailor Shop. WEATHER INFORMATION - To enable you to dress appropriately, each morning you may inquire of the Telephone Operator the temperature and weather on deck.