THE Polynesian PUBLISHED DAILY AT SEA BY Pacific Far East Line IBM8218 S.S. MARIPOSA En Route Los Angeles to Honolulu World News by United Press International (V89-2) CAPTAIN J.H. KILPACK, Commanding J. COCO Chief Officer R.M. SEALS Chief Engineer The Officers and Crew Welcome You Aboard The S.S. MARIPOSA J.P. YONGE Chief Purser J.M. ABRAMSON Chief Steward P.R. SULLIVAN Chief Radio Officer R.L. STEVENS First Assistant Engineer A. GRAYSON, M. D Surgeon w.J. KELLY Senior Assistant Purser R.W. EMERY Assistant Purser/Excursions D.E. GORMAN Assistant Purser/Paymaster H.J. DEAN, JR Assistant Purser/Cashier E.F. GIBBONS, JR Second Steward JOHN M.ERLO Executive Chef ZiGGIE DUDZIUK Headwaiter CRUISE STAFF ROBERT CORTEZAN Cruise Director KAUI BARRETT Cruise Directress TOM McNAUGHTON Orchestra Leader LLOYD FOX Organist MR. AND MRS. JOEL COOPER Art Instructors MR. AND MRS. FRANK JACKSON Bridge Instructors JEANNIE LYONS Cruise Entertainer MR. AND MRS. JERRY CRACAS Cruise Entertainers ROBERT DORIAN Cruise Entertainer KALAU Guest Entertainer ROGER AND CLAUDIA LEHMAN Dance Instructors Washington - Secretary of State Cyrus Vance said Wednesday President Carter will push for a freeze on oil prices during his planned nine-nation world trip, including visits to four key members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries oil cartel. "I think it would be catastrophic if there should be an increase at this point in energy prices, Vance told a news conference. "I do not think that economically it is justified in any way and the re sults could be that this would set us back quite substantially because of the possibility of increased inflation and increased unemployment which could very well follow if there were to be an increase of prices. We will be able to discuss on this trip mat ters relating to the energy problem and the need for a freeze on energy prices," Vance added. Car ter's planned trip would take him to Venezuela Brazil, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, India, Iran, France, Poland and Belgium between November 22nd and December 2nd. A State Department spokesman said a decision to postpone or proceed with the trip ALOHA! "FROM YOUR FRIENDLY AMERICANS" Today is Thursday, November 3, 1977 Ship's clocks were set back 30 minutes at one o'clock this morning and will be set back 30 minutes at the same time tomorrow morning. Planned Activities for Today are: 6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.-SELF-SERVICE COFFEE Pool Terrace 7:00 to 9:00 a.m.-CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST Pool Terrace 8:15 to 10:00 a.m.-BREAKFAST Dining Room (Open Sitting). 9:30 a.m.-SLIMNASTICS AND HULA Polynesian Club 11:00 a.m.-BRIDGE LECTURE Lounge 12:05 p.m.-PASSENGER BOAT STATION MUSTER At Your Station 12:15 to 2:00 p.m.-LUNCH (Open Sitting) Dining Room 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.-BUFFET LUNCH Pool Terrace Hot Dishes: Coney Island Hot Dog on Bun Garni with Maui Onions, Chili Con Carne Mexicaine with Frijoles and Rice and Fried Jumbo Prawns with Cocktail or Tartar Sauce. Also available : Assorted cold cuts and cold salads. 2:30 p.m.-DANCE CLASS Polynesian Club 2:30 p.m.-MATINEE CINEMA Theater "FUN WITH DICK AND JANE" (Rated PG) Jane Fonda and George Segal (Approximate length: one hour, 35 minutes) 3:45 to 4:45 p.m.-GOLF DRIVING Paddle Tennis (Weather Permitting) 4:00 p.m.-AFTERNOON TEA Polynesian Club and Pool Terrace 5:30 p.m.-CAPTAIN'S CHAMPAGNE PARTY (Regular Sitting) Lounge 6:15 p.m.-DINNER (Regular Sitting) Dining Room 6:45 p.m.-CAPTAIN'S CHAMPAGNE PARTY (Late Sitting) Lounge 7:30 and 9:30 p.m.-EVENING CINEMA Theater "FUN WITH DICK AND JANE" (Rated PG) 7:45 p.m.-DINNER (Late Sitting) Dining Room 9:00 p.m.-DANCING Polynesian Club 9:45 p.m.-CHAMPAGNE DANCES Polynesian Club 10:00 p.m.-EVENING BUFFET Outrigger Bar Ship's Officers' Dress This Evening - Formal (Gentlemen are requested to wear coats and ties after 6:00 p.m.) THE Polynesian PUBLISHED DAILY AT SEA BY PacifiC Far East Line was expected to be made later this week and it de pends on the congressional action on Carter's com prehensive energy package now in conference com mittee. On another subject Vance called Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev's proposal for a total ban on nuclear weapons testing a major step toward ending the threat of atomic war. Johannesburg - A black school boycott, protesting South Africa's apartheid system of education has led to at least another 84 arrests in black ghettos, police said Wednesday. Beirut - The radical Popular Front for the Libera tion of Palestine Wednesday said it had dismissed Dr. Wadie Haddad, one of the Front's top members and past hijack masterminds. In a statement the Front spoke out against airline hijacks. Damascus - The leaders of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan Wednesday met in twin summit sessions to coordinate Arab Middle East strategy. Bonn - Several American women claim Adolf Hit ler was their father but West German historian Werner Maser said Wednesday the late Nazi dic tator's only offspring was a 59-year-old Frenchman born of a World War One romance. TONIGHT 7:30 and 9:30 In the Theater The Evening Cinema "FUN WITH DICK AND JANE" George Segal and Jane Fonda One hour, 35 minutes Rated "PG" (Will be shown again later in the voyage) 9:00 In the Polynesian Club DANCING Music for your listening and dancing pleasure by Tom McNaughton and the Mariposa Orchestra 9:45 In the Polynesian Club CHAMPAGNE DANCES Fun and Games as Planned by Bobby Kaui Roger and Claudia And Kalau With Champagne for the Lucky Winners Music by Tom and the Mariposa Orchestra Intermissions by Lloyd Fox at the Organ Amsterdam - Kidnapers released Dutch real estate tycoon Maurits Caransa safe and sound early yes terday in exchange for four millions dollars ran som, police announced. Police said Caransa was safe and sound and in reasonable condition at Am sterdam police headquarters after his brief abduc tion last Friday. Police said Caransa was questioned and examined by doctors at police headquarters and then escorted to his home to be reunited with his family. Houston, Texas - The condition of bandleader Guy Lombardo, 75, readmitted to Methodist Hospilal with complications after major blood vessel surgery, worsened from serious to critical Wednesday. A spokesman said Lombardo was readmitted October 27th. He had been discharged October 18th in ex cellent condition after surgery described as a re section of an aneurysm or weakening and disten sion of the thoracic aorta, which is one of the body's key blood vessels. Tel Aviv - Workers staged half-day strikes in Acre, Haifa, Beersheba and other Israeli towns Wednes day to protest the government's new economic poli cies that resulted in higher prices and taxes. Salisbury - A rocket fired from Zambia at a civilian aircraft sparked a fire at a luxury hotel in western Rhodesia Wednesday in an attack coinciding with the arrival for cease-fire talks of British Field Mar shal Lord Carver. Annency, France - A young Frenchman was found dead but five others were rescued Wednesday in the Cave of Diau where they were trapped while ex ploring it, police reported. San Francisco - Oakland Athletics owner Charles Finley says he wants to see the color of the money before he agrees to a New Orleans offer to buy the American League baseball club. Finley told the San Francisco Examiner by telephone from his retreat in Fort Lauderdale, Florida that the New Orleans group is, in his words, "serious, very serious about the purchase, but had yet to make abonafide offer." PASSENGER BOAT STATION MUSTER A Boat Station Muster will be held this afternoon at 12:05 p.m. for all passengers. Upon sounding of the Boat Station Signal, please muster at your lifeboat station. Passengers are encouraged to wear their life jackets as per U.S. Coast Guard regulations. You may ascertain your lifeboat station by referring to the card posted on the back of your bathroom door. New York - New York Yankee outfielder Reggie Jackson was poised and controlled as he faced a mob of reporters outside a Manhattan courtroom after he was found innocent of charges of harassing a 14-year-old boy. The charges followed a mob scene in the parking lot at Yankee Stadium after the A11-Star game on July 19th when Jackson al legedly chased Chris Howe. Jackson said the 'boy shouted an obscenity about the ball player's mother. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Quotations are compiled by United Press International. Every effort is made to insure their accuracy. However, we assume no responsibility for errors which occur in transmission, or which may be due to other causes. Dow Jones Averages: 30 industrials 800.85, off 6.03; 20 rails 202.52, off 1.12; Standard and Poor's 500 - 90.71, off 0.64. Sales volume 20,760,000 shares. Copies of a selected list of closing quotations are posted at the Purser's Office, the Library and the Outrigger Bar. NEWS ABOARD SHIP CAPTAIN'S CHAMPAGNE PARTY Captain J.H. Kilpack cordially invites all pas sengers to a "Welcome Aboard" Champagne Party in the Southern Cross Lounge at 5:50 this evening for those passengers on the regular sitting and at 6:45 for those passengers on the late sitting. Non-alcoholic punch will also be served. Breakfast Seating - The Dining Room is open for breakfast from 8:15 to 10:00 a.m, on an "open" basis without regard to the regular table assignments. Slimnastics and Hula - Are you losing the Battle of the Bulge? Join Bobby Cortezan, your Cruise Director, at 9:30 this morning in the Polynesian Club for a session of exhilarating exercises. Im mediately afterward join Kalau and Kaui to learn the Hawaiian Hula their way. All are invited. Bridge Lecture - All beginning, intermediate and advanced bridge players are invited to attend a complimentary informal discussion of the philoso phy of opening bids, responses and rebids - 11:00 this morning in the Southern Cross Lounge. Mariner Club - The Mariner Club will meet during the voyage to welcome new members. Club mem bers who listed their membership on the "Guest Registration" form prior to boarding should stop by the Purser's Office to verify they are on the list furnished us by the Club Secretary and that your rank and mileage are correct. If you have made previous voyages aboard Pacific Far East Line and Matson Lines vessels but are not registered in the Mariner Club please register prior to Noon today, Certificate of rank is determined by the number of miles logged: Honorary Navigator 0-14,999 miles Honorary Captain 15,000-34,999 miles Honorary Commodore 35,000-74,999 miles Honorary Fleet Commodore 75,000-89,999 miles Honorary Vice Admiral 90,000-149,999 miles Honorary Fleet Admiral 150,000-199,999 miles Honorary Grand Admiral 200,000 and over If you qualify, please make application for mem bership at the Purser's Office by noon today. Dress Suggestions - Formal dress for dinner and evening wear is customary, though optional. Coats and ties should be worn in public rooms after 6:00 p.m. On casual nights coats and ties are optional. Bathing attire should not be worn in the Dining Room or public rooms. Passengers for Ports Beyond Honolulu - If you have not done so as yet, please turn in your passports to the Purser's Office today. Passenger Information and Hawaii Visitor Bureau Forms - It is requested that all passengers com plete and return to the Purser's Office today the immigration forms placed in staterooms last night. This form contains information required for port formalities at all ports. It will also enable us to provide you with a "home town" passenger list. Please turn in passports and vaccination cards (signed) at the same time. These documents will be returned to you at your debarkation port. Leaving them at the Purser's Office will save you from pass ing inspections at ports en route. Charging Your Shipboard Purchases Our wish is to make your cruise as uncompli cated as possible. For your convenience you are invited to utilize our shipboard accounts system. Cash payments are not required of our passen gers for purchases or services aboard ship. Simply sign your name and room number on checks as they are presented (you may add gra tuities to checks if you wish) and the charge is automatically posted to your personal account. Before your cruise ends, you will be furnished a statement of your shipboard account by the Purser's Office. Payment may be made by personal check, Travellers' Checks or in cash. We also accept AMERICAN EXPRESS, CARTE BLANCHE, BANK AMERICARD and MASTER CHARGE credit cards. THE Polynesian PUBLISHED DAILY AT SEA BY Pacific Far East Line Travel Books - We request that you return books about the ports we visit and the areas in which we travel as soon as you have read them as others may wish to read them. We also request that you check out only one travel book at a time. Lighted Cigarettes, Cigars and Matches should not be thrown over the side of the ship, but placed in the proper receptacles. Daily Run Pool - Mileage pool numbers on today's noon position will be sold until 11:00 this morning. Numbers on tomorrow's pool may be purchased in the Outrigger Bar after 1:30 this afternoon. Golf Driving - The MARIPOSA golf driving range is located on the Paddle Tennis Court on Sports Deck forward of the stack, and is open from 3:45 to 4:45 each afternoon at sea (weather permitting). Shipboard Facilities BARBER SHOP - Located on Main Deck, starboard side. Hours are 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 to 5:30 p.m. daily, including Sundays. Please phone for appointment. BAR HOURS - The Outrigger Bar is open daily from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight. Orders for bottled spirits may be placed with the Telephone Operator. Delivery to staterooms will be between 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. and between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. BEAUTY SALON - Located on Main Deck, starboard side. Hours are 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 to 5:30 p.m. daily, including Sundays. Please telephone for appointment. BOOTBLACK SERVICE - Room Stewards will deliver shoes to bootblack for service upon request. BREAKFAST - Breakfast will be served in the Dining Room from 8:15 to 10:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast will be served on the Pool Terrace from 7:00 to 9:00 each morning at sea. CAUTION TO PASSENGERS - A fire at sea is extremely dangerous. Your cooperation in observing the following safety rules is requested: (1) Make sure cigarettes and cigars are extinguished before dropping in receptacles. (2) Do not throw lighted cigarettes or cigars over the side of the ship. The wind may blow them back aboard. (3) Do not hang clothes or other articles over light fixtures. COCKTAIL PARTIES - Passengers wishing to arrange for private cocktail parties in staterooms or Outrigger Bar may do so by phoning the Chief Steward's Office at their earliest convenience. DECK SPORTS - Courts for Quoits, Paddle Tennis, Deck Tennis and Shuffle Board are located on Sports Deck. Equipment for these games will be found in the lockers on this deck. Ping Pong tables are located on Promenade Deck, forward. DINING ROOM HOURS - Breakfast: 8:15 to 10:00 a.m., open sitting. Lunch: 12:15 to 2:00 p.m., open sitting. Dinner: 6:15 p.m. for regular sitting and 7:45 p.m. for late sitting. DOCTOR'S OFFICE - Located on Main Deck, starboard side, near the Purser's Office. Hours at sea: 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. In Port: 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. For emergencies at any time, telephone the nurse. Motion sickness medicine is given without charge. Other drugs are given by prescription only and for certain of these a small charge is made. Fees charged are usually less than those for similar services ashore. FRESH FRUIT AND ICE will be supplied to your stateroom upon request. GAMES - Dominoes, Chess, Cribbage Boards, Scrabble and other similar games are available in the Card Room on Promenade Deck, adjoining the Southern Cross Lounge. GOLF DRIVING - The MARIPOSA Golf Driving Range is located on the Paddle Tennis Court and is open at sea from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m, daily (weather permitting). LIBRARY HOURS - The Library is open 24 hours a day. Books are available for your convenience. Please return books to Library when you have finished reading them. Please contact Librarian for travel and reference books in locked cases. HAIR DRYERS - General Electric Deluxe Portable Hair Dryers are available for use in your stateroom. Please arrange at the Purser's Office for their use. SCORE PADS - Bridge, Canasta and Gin Rummy score pads are available in the Card Room adjoining the Southern Cross Lounge. LAUNDRY SERVICE - For your personal laundry, you will find a bag and list in your stateroom. LAUNDRY AND PRESSING ROOM - Automatic washing machines, driers, electric irons and ironing boards are available for your use in the Laundromat, Upper Deck aft. LOST AND FOUND ARTICLES - All found articles should be turned in to the Purser's Office. Passengers losing any of their property should inquire at the Purser's Office. MARINER SHOP - Located on Main Deck, forward foyer. Souvenirs, magazines, candy, toilet articles, gifts, sports clothing, film, cigars, tobacco, cigarettes and playing cards are available here. Daily hours at sea including Sundays: 9:30 a.m, to 12:00 noon and 1:00 to 5:30 p.m. (Closed in port.) PHOTOGRAPHER - In order for you to preserve memories of your voyage on the MARIPOSA, there is a shipboard photographer on board to take pictures. His shop is located on Main Deck, port side. Hours: 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. daily at sea. Display of photographs taken will be in the Gallery on Promenade Deck. QUOITS - Courts are located on Promenade Deck, aft. RADIOGRAMS may be sent from the Radio Office located on Boat Deck oa the port side when the ship is at sea. International regulations do not permit the use of the ship's radio equipment when the ship is in port. RADIOTELEPHONE SERVICE is available at sea to worldwide destinations. Information concerning this service may be obtained at the Radio Office on the port side of Boat Deck. ROOM STEWARD HOURS - Room Stewards are on duty the following hours: 8:00 to 11:30 a.m.; 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.; 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. To contact your Room Steward please call the telephone operator. SHIP'S ELECTRICAL CURRENT - Please make certain your electrical appliances operate on 110 volts, alternating current. TYPEWRITERS - Portable typewriters are available for your complimentary use. Please arrange at the Purser's Office for their use in your stateroom. VALET SERVICE - Please call a bellboy to take clothing for pressing to the Tailor Shop. WEATHER INFORMATION - To enable you to dress appropriately, each morning you may inquire of the Telephone Operator the temperature and weather on deck.