THE Polynesian PUBLISHED DAILY AT SEA BY PacifiC Far East Line IBM8218 S.S. MARIPOSA En Route Los Angeles to Honolulu World News by United Press International (V78-3) Washington - Voters turned out by the millions Tuesday to make what the opinion polls called a tough choice between Gerry Ford and Jimmy Carter in one of the most unusual elections in America's 200 years. The 48th presidential election pitted Ford, a Republican who succeeded the first presi dent in history to resign in disgrace, against Carter, a Democrat who was relatively unknown a year ago. Ford ran with Robert Dole, a Kansas Senator with a gift for fiery oratory. Carter ran with Walter Mon dale, a Minnesotan known as one of the most liberal members of the Senate. Experts said the election might be as close as the one in 1876 when the House of Representatives had to decide because no candi date had a majority. In addition to the White House a11 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 33 seats in the Senate were contested as well as 14 governorships. The early turnout was heavy and the weather good nearly everywhere. Grand Rapids, Mich. - President Ford voted in his home town Tuesday, kissed an old friend, wept at the dedication of a mural depicting his life and flew back to Washington to await the verdict in one of America's most closely run presidential elections. Plains, Ga - Jimmy Carter apparently unwearied by 22 months and 500,000 miles of campaigning, cast the 11th ballot of the day Tuesday in his Georgia liome town and said he was confident of taking over the White House. Washington - The Federal Trade Commission Tues day launched an investigation to find out if compa nies that offer millions of high school students crash courses for college entrance tests are defrauding the public. SPIRIT Of '76 America's Bicentennial November 3rd North and South Dakota achieved statehood, 1889 ALOHA! Today is Wednesday, November 3, 1976 Ship's clocks were set back 30 minutes at 1:00 this morning and will be set back another 30 minutes at the same time tomorrow morning. Planned Activities for Today are: 6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.-SELF-SERVICE COFFEE Pool Terrace 7:00 to 9:00 a.m.-CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST Pool Terrace 7:45 to 10:00 a.m.-BREAKFAST (Open Sitting) Dining Roam 9:30 a.m.-SLIMNASTICS AND THE DANCE Polynesian Club 10:00 a.m.-CHILDREN'S GET-TOGETHER Pool Terrace 10:00 a.m.-BRIDGE LECTURE Lounge 11:00 a.m.-HONOLULU TOUR TALK Lounge 11:30 a.m.-HULA WITH KAUI Polynesian Club 12:15 to 2:00 p.m.-LUNCH (Open Sitting) Dining Room 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.-BUFFET LUNCH Pool Terrace Will feature : Fried Chicken Southern Style with Hot Biscuits and Honey; Hot Pastrami Sandwich on Rye with Cole Slaw Salad; Hawaiian Mahimahi Saute with Remoulade Sauce; Fresh Corn on the Cob as the hot dishes. Cold salads and assorted cold cuts are also featured. 2:00 p.m.-MATINEE MOVIE Theater "THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT - Part II" "G" Starring: Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly ( Approximate length : two hours) (Will be shown again later in the voyage.) 2:30 p.m.-BRIDGE GAMES Card Room 3:00 p.m.-MAKE A LEI TIME Lounge 3:45 to 4:45 p.m.-GOLF DRIVING (Weather Permitting) Paddle Tennis Court 4:00 p.m.-AFTERNOON TEA Polynesian Club and Pool Terrace 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.-"WHEEL OF FORTUNE" COCKTAIL HOUR DANCE Polynesian Club 6:15 p.m.-DINNER (Regular Sitting) Dining Room 7:30 p.m.-EVENING MOVIE Theater "WON TON TON - THE DOG WHO SAVED HOLLYWOOD" "PG" Starring: Art Carney and Madeline Kahn ( Approximate length : one hour, 32 minutes) (Will be shown again later in the voyage.) 7:45 p.m.-DINNER (Late Sitting) Dining Room 8:30 p.m.-CASIiNO NIGHT Lounge 9:00 p.m.-DANCING Polynesian Club 10:00 p.m.-EVENING BUFFET Outrigger Bar Ship's Officers' Dress This Evening - Informal (Gentlemen are requested to wear coats and ties after 6:00 p.m. ) PURSER'S OFFICE HOURS TODAY: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. THE Polynesian PUBLISHED DAILY AT SEA BY Pacific Far East Line Washington - Voters in 14 states cast their ballots for governor Tuesday with the battle between Pres ident Ford and Jimmy Carter likely to have only minor impact on the states' races. A UPI survey indicated the Democrats would win seven and the Republicans five. The races in two states were too close to call. Washington - Richard Helms, the controversial former director of the CIA, has resigned as U.S. Ambassador to Iran, administration sources said. Kingston - Nine persons were wounded in a shoot out between leaders of the ruling Peoples' National Party and the rival Jamaican Labor Party, police said. Both parties blamed the other. Los Angeles - Independent presidential candidate Eugene McCarthy conceding he was unlikely to win any electoral votes, planned to return to Wash ington Tuesday night to await the election results. Islamabad - Norway has agreed to provide Pakistan with a grant of $39.08 million in the next four years for the country's development projects, officials re ported yesterday. TONIGHT 5:30 to 7:30 in the Polynesian Club "THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE" Cocktail Hour and Dance Music by Tom and the Mariposa Orchestra 7:30 in the Theater "WON TON TON - THE DOG WHO SAVED HOLLYWOOD" A Comedy with Art Carney and Madeline Kahn One hour, 32 minutes 8:30 in the Southern Cross Lounge CASINO NIGHT Black Jack - Over and Under - Wheel of Fortune 9:00 in the Polynesian Club DANCING To the Music of the Mariposa Orchestra Washington - Republicans hoped to trim the big Democratic margins in the House and Senate, but there was little chance the Republicans could win control of the 95th Congress. Paris - The French British supersonic jetliner, Concorde, will fly to the Far East on a 33,000-mile sales promotion trip, officials of Aerospatiale the nationalized aircraft company said yesterday. Brussels - The battered British pound held relatively steady in quiet trading yesterday. The dollar made slight gains on most exchanges that were open. Several markets were closed because of the All Saints holiday. Athens - Greece and the Vatican will sign a con cordat establishing diplomatic relations for the first time in history, a senior official of the Church of Greece said. Detroit - More than 5,000 disappointed persons returned home after flocking to the personnel offices at the Cadillac auto plant looking for jobs that were not advertised and were not available. Beirut - A U.S. envoy made contacts with a leftist leader in new efforts to end the Lebanese civil war and 3,000 troops were reported to have moved in from Syriaa on an apparent peacekeeping mission. Lebanon's warfronts were reported quiet. NEWS ABOARD SHIP Slimnastics - A program designed to deter obvious effects on the waistline by over-indulgence in the Dining Room, at Afternoon Tea and the Eve ning Buffet. Organized and directed by your Di rectors of the Applied Science of the Wiggle, Jiggle and Shake, Slimnastics, designed to tone tired mus cles through stretching, stamping, tramping and gliding - it also helps the appetite. Meet Bill and Frances in the Polynesian Club at 0:30 this morn ing to learn the finer details of this voluntary pro gram. Dance class follows. Bridge Lecture - The subject of Admiral Herlihy's Bridge Lecture in the Lounge at 10:00 this morning is "Assisting Partner's Opening Bid." Doctor's Office - Located on Main Deck, starboard side, near the Purser's Office. Hours at sea: 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 to 4.00 p.m. Tour Talk - Tour Escort Bill Kelly will present a talk on Honolulu Tours at 11:00 this morning in the Southern Cross Lounge. A11 passengers are urged to attend. Hula Class - Our Cruise Directress, Kaui Barrett, will conduct her first Hula Class this morning at 11:30 in the Polynesian Club, All passengers are invited to join her to learn the fun dance - the Hawaiian Hula. Gentlemen, keep your eyes on the hands! Rubber Bridge will he played in the Card Room starting at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Herlihy will be happy to assist those in need of partners. Navigation Bridge Tours - Inspection tours of the Navigation Bridge will be conducted this afternoon (weather permitting) on a reservation basis. Reser vations may be made at the Purser's Office. (Addi tional tours will he scheduled later in the voyage). Galley Tours - Inspection tours or the galley will be available this afternoon (weather permitting) on a reservation basis. Reservations may be made at the Purser's Office. (Additional galley tours will be scheduled later m the voyage.) Make A lei - "Island Leis for Aloha" There are as many kinds of flower leis in Hawaii as there are kinds of flowers. More, in fact, for versatile island people have developed many types of leis from the same flowers. Fragrant carnation leis, for example, have evolved from a single strand of blossoms to the artfully contrived enormous puff of beauty that is now famous. And there are at least five different kinds of vanda orchid leis. The varieties from every "blooming" thing are endless. In early day Hawaii there was the lei nihi palaoa, a necklace made of human hair from which was suspended a carved hook of whale, or walrus, tooth. Nihi means tooth and palaoa is the word for whale, or walrus, when speaking of leis. Then came feathers ... these leis date from early times, too. Captain Cook noted Hawaiians wearing leis on his first visit here in 1778. They were made of tiny red and yellow feathers plucked from birds. Royal women wore these leis in their hair, or around their necks. They were soft and round, built around a central cord, not flat, like present-day pheasant and peacock leis worn on men's hats. Obviously we do not have the necessary flowers, shells and seeds aboard. However, Kaui will show you haw to make a Hawaiian-style paper lei, a most colorful creation for parties and dinners based on the Polynesian theme ... 3:00 this afternoon in the Lounge. "THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE" COCKTAIL HOUR "THE GAMBLING PASSION LURKS ... AT THE BOTTOM OF EVERY HEART" - Balzac The cost of drinks during the Cocktail Hour will be determined by "The Wheel of Fortune." At 5:30, 6:00, 6:30 and 7:00 p.m. a passenger will be selected to spin the wheel and where it stops - from free to 65 cents - is what you pay for drinks during the next half-hour. Come one, come all and try to "Beat the House." H. V. B, Questionnaires - The Hawaii Visitors Bureau, in cooperation with the Hawaii State De partment of Agriculture, has placed aboard ques tionnaires and have asked that ALL passengers complete these forms. That portion covering agri cultural products to he landed is directed to those passengers TERMINATING their voyage in Hono lulu. "Casino Night" -- Gaming tables will open in the Pacific Casino at 3:30 tonight in the Southern Cross Lounge, 'lack Jack, Over and Under and the Wheel of Forlune. Prizes will be awarded to winners hold ing the highest totals. Games will he in several sessions to permit all to participate. Music will be furnished by Lloyd Fox. Come early and avoid the rush! Dealers Wanted for "Casino Night" games. The pay is lousy, risks are high, and fingers should be free of adhesive substances. Apply to Casino Manager Paul Dana. House Rules for "Casino Night" l. There are three games of chance - WHEEL OF FORTUNE, OVER & UNDER and BLACK JACK. 2. Each player will receive one cup of 25 chips, each chip having a value of 10 points. Actual currency is not involved. 3. Play is held in sessions of 30 minutes each. 4. You may play any table you wish. 5. If you go broke, you are out for the evening. 6. You may play one session at each game of chance. Please give the other players a chance to move around too. In other words, please do not spend the entire evening at one game. 7. The idea is to build up your original points as high as you can. At the end of the evening you total up your chips, write that total on a card along with your name and room number and turn in that card along with ALL YOUR CHIPS. 8. Pooling of chips to attain a high score is not acceptable. Total must be for individual score only. 9. Prizes will be awarded to those with the highest totals. YOUNG ADULTS MAY PARTICIPATE IN ALL GAMES WITH THE EXCEPTION OF BLACK JACK WHICH IS RESTRICTED TO ADULTS OF 18 YEARS AND OVER. SHORE EXCURSIONS HONOLULU SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1976 HS-3-Pearl Harbor Cruise 1:00 p.m. HS-1-Aloha Paradise Park Tour 2:00 p.m. HS-2-Scenic City and Punchbowl Tour 2:00 p.m. Reservations for these tours must be made at the Purser's Office no later than Thursday, November 4th. NOTE: As these tours are not operated by Pacific Far East Line, cancellations cannot be accepted after the announced deadline. There will be no refund for failure to complete tours or not utilizing all services and facilities included as part of the tours. Occasionally, as a result of circumstances beyond our control, it will be necessary to change the routing of the tours or to make substitutions of stops. THE Polynesian PUBLISHED DAILY AT SEA BY PacifiC Far East Line Bottled Goods Department - A bottled goods de partment, carrying an excellent line of popular items, is located in the Auditor's Office on Main Deck, port side, off the Purser's Foyer. Service is available by telephone or you may personnally make your selection by calling at the store, which is open at the following hours: 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 4:30 to 5:3o p.m, daily. The ship stocks a selected list of imported and domestic wines available through the Dining Room Service. Exchange Orders - Passengers holding exchange orders covering prepaid tours are requested to turn them in at the Purser's Office today. Passports - To comply with various government requirements, it is necessary that all passports be turned in to the Purser's Office by noon today Laundromat Room - The passenger laundromat on Upper Deck is open each day from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Passengers are cautioned not to commence a laundry after 7:00 p.m. as the Laundromat Room must be locked promptly at 8:00 p.m. Passengers are requested not to remove others' laundry from the dryers unless it is completely dry. The laundro mat is a complimentary service of Pacific Far East Line. Safety Precaution - Doors in staterooms may close on the fingers of the unwary unless the doors are firmly engaged to the friction door holder. When opening a door that you wish to stay open always make certain it is firmly engaged in the friction door holder. High Seas Radiotelephone Service Radiotelephone Service is available to a11 points during certain hours of the day. Please call tele phone operator for information. CAMERAS FILM FLASH BULBS CIGARETTES CANDY - MAGAZINES - TOOTHPASTE ASPIRIN RAZOR BLADES - HAIR SPRAY - COMBS BRUSHES AFTER SHAVE LOTIONS - MOUTH WASH TISSUES EYEDROPS - SHAMPOO - COLD CREAM - COTTON BABY OIL - DEODORANT - HAIR TONIC - SUN TAN LOTION - TWEEZERS - SHAVE CREAM - WATCHES MUU MUUS - ALOHA SHIRTS - HAND BAGS - TOTE BAGS - HATS AND CAPS - SUN GLASSES - GIFT ITEMS - BRACELETS - EARRINGS. MARINER SHOP MAIN DECK FORWARD Open 9:30 to noon and 1:00 to 5:30 p.m. - Closed in Port. Card Room and Writing Room - We will appreci ate your cooperation in limiting smoking in the Card Room and Writing Room to cigarettes only. Mariner Club - The Mariner Club will meet during the voyage to welcome new members. You are eli gible to advance in rank if you have logged suffi cient additional Pacific Far East Line and MatsH mileage since your last certificate was issued. Club members are requested to register at the Purser's Office at your earliest convenience. If you are not a member of the Mariner Club and you have pre viously sailed on a PFEL or Matson ship (other than the return of a round trip ticket), you are eligible for membership; certificate of rank is determined by the number of miles logged: Honorary Navigator 0- 14,999 miles Honorary Captain 15,000-34,999 miles Honorary Commodore 35,000-74,999 miles Honorary Fleet Commodore 75,000-89,999 miles Honorary Vice Admiral 90,000-149,999 miles Honorary Fleet Admiral 150,000-199,000 miles Honorary Grand Admiral 200,000 and over If you qualify, please make application for mem bership at the Purser's Office by 3:00 p.m. today. Motion Sickness Medicine may be obtained without charge from the Doctor's Office, from your Room Steward or from the Purser's Office. This medicine is called Marezine and can give substantial relief for those inclined toward motion sickness. Smokers' Attention - Please be careful when smoking on deck that hot ashes do not blow back on others. This can cause injury as well as damage to clothing. RUBBER BRIDGE (11-2-76): Wendy BArgstrom & Dorothy Marks (3 ea.); Len Jacoby & Lloyd Fox (1 ea.) ; Mrs. Mary L Davis & Mrs. Herbert Hopwood. CHARTING YOUR COURSE WITH THE NAVIGATOR At Noon: Tuesday, November 2, 1976 The Vessel's Position was: Latitude: 32° 42' North Longitude: 125° 25' West Day's Run: 365 Miles Steaming Time: 19 Hours Average Speed: 19.21 Knots Distance from Los Angeles: 365 Miles Distance to Honolulu: 1,865 Miles The ship's whistle is sounded at 12:00 noon Sunset today: 5:15 Sunrise tomorrow: 6:05 SPECIAL FEATURE! TONIGHT WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1976 "The Wheel of Fortune Cocktail Hour Dance" With TOM McNAUGHTON AND THE ORCHESTRA 5:30 TO 7:30 IN THE POLYNESIAN CLUB "THE GAMBLING PASSION LURKS --- AT THE BOTTOM OF EVERY HEART" - Baizac The cost of drinks during the Cocktail Hour will be determined by "THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE" At 5:30, 6:00, 6:30 and 7:00 p.m. a passenger will be selected to spin the wheel, and where it stops --- from free to 65 cents --- is what you pay for drinks during the next half-hour. COME ONE, COME ALL AND TRY TO "BEAT THE HOUSE"