Pagotto, LouiseMorton, JohnSaiki, PatriciaSnyder, PatriciaTsunoda, Joyce2021-12-102021-12-102021-12-00 year 2021 marked the college’s 75th anniversary. To celebrate this, on June 25th, key players in the creation of the Kapi'olani Community College campus came together to reminisce on its building and construction at Diamond Head. The conversation covers the politics, community engagement, and planning process of the campus’s development. Included in the video is a story about Hazel Yamamoto reuniting with and meeting her birth daughter Yvonne Ambrose for the first time at the groundbreaking ceremony. The video includes biographies of the speakers at the end of the video.en-USAnniversariesDiamond Head campusKapiolani Community CollegeCampus historyUniversities and colleges -- HistoryRoots and WingsThe Founding of Kapi'olani Community College at Diamond HeadPresentation