Martinez, Yarilee2021-05-242021-05-242020-11 student presentation to the Fall 2020 Student Research and Creative Works SymposiumThe COVID-19 pandemic has elicited the largest numbers of employees working from home. While working from home becomes the new normal, cyber threat actors are taking advantage of the widespread panic caused by the pandemic and the lack of readiness by many businesses and their employees who were not prepared for the sudden shift to remote work. Shifting a large part of our workforce to a work from home standard has revealed vulnerabilities in the underlying IT infrastructure and has increased the attack surface of many organizations. As a result, has led to a surge in unseen information security threats. This presentation will analyze the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on information security for the remote workforce.1 pageEnglishAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesImpact of Covid-19 on Information Security for the Remote WorkforcePresentation