Brooks-Emory, TereenaManuel, ElmarieFrisbie, ElizabethCorpuz, Jasery2021-05-242021-05-242020-11 student presentation to the Fall 2020 Student Research and Creative Works Symposium<strong>The Pandemic:</strong> COVID-19 has greatly impacted our way of life. Disinfecting, social distancing, masks, and shortages.<br> <strong>The Observation</strong>: Businesses implementing new safety precautions such as disinfecting surfaces. <br><strong>The Question:</strong> How long must a surface be exposed to a disinfectant to kill bacteria? <br><strong>What We Know:</strong> COVID-19 Pathways Physical contact, surface spread, airborne. COVID-19 can be present on surfaces for 2-3 days. --Introduction--1 pageEnglishAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesThe Effectiveness of Disinfecting Wipes on Mobile PhonesPresentation