Ervin, Willa Woodard2020-04-212020-04-212020-04 Woodard Ervin's poster presentation titled "Community Based Participatory Research: Women’s Health & Family Planning in Hawaii County" for Dr. Camonia Graham-Tutt's PUBA 308 class.Develop a CBPR partnership researching women’s healthcare and family planning (WHCFP) both in accessibility and available providers in Hawaii County and define the scope of care; midwives and Physician’s Assistants (PAs) filling these gaps at a cost savings. Incorporate elders, community members, legislature, and community health committees as well as providers to expand education and promotion of women’s health. Highlight Hawaiian cultural barriers to care and how to respectfully integrate WHCFP with traditional healing practices.1 pageen-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesCommunity Based Participatory Research: Women’s Health & Family Planning in Hawaii CountyPresentation