Iwamoto, Jaryn2021-05-242021-05-242021-05-06http://hdl.handle.net/10790/5732Inadequate ostomy patient education leads to poor post-operative adjustment and lower quality of life for ostomates. Many factors contribute to the insufficient preparation of ostomates to manage their stomas after hospital discharge; these factors include shortened hospital length of stays, limited availability of Certified Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses (CWOCNs), and inadequate nursing knowledge, confidence, and skills in ostomy management. Staff nurses are an essential part of ostomate’s post-operative adjustment because they are present during every aspect of the care continuum and are able to educate patients to attain their healthcare goals. The purpose of this Practice Inquiry Project (PIP) was to develop a continuing education (CE) ostomy management course and test this new platform by 1) opening the conversation between nurses on ostomy care, 2) establishing mentoring opportunities between the instructors and learners, and 3) exploring nurses’ learning and support needs and preferences. The goal was to improve staff nurses’ ability to care for ostomy patients by addressing the gap in ostomy knowledge, confidence, and skills. This CE ostomy course evaluated if participants gained a better understanding of ostomy concepts and higher levels of confidence in managing ostomy patients. Shrigley’s Theory of Attitude Concept and Science Teaching was integral in the design of this project as it describes the relationship between cognition and behavior in contributing to changes in attitude. A Logic Model was used to plan and evaluate this project. In comparing the results from the pre-tests, post-tests, 2-week post-tests, and surveys; the intervention was successful in teaching registered nurses how to care for ostomy patients.73en-USOstomatesostomyMedical careBridging the Knowledge Gap in Ostomy ManagementDoctoral Project