Gallegos, Angelina2021-01-252021-01-252021-01-11 pain in the U.S. affects millions of adults and the numbers are expected to continue rising, alongside rates of chronic disease which often accompany chronic pain. It has become increasingly complex to manage chronic pain which is only further complicated by the opioid epidemic. While the primary care setting is most often where chronic pain patients are treated, the focus is often primarily on the physical complaints. Current best practices suggests primary care provider education incorporate a biopsychosocial approach to support the best possible outcomes. Current evidence suggests that holistic primary care provider education is necessary to achieve optimal outcomes and efforts should be focused on improving self-management. This project examined chronic pain management education delivery by primary care providers to identify potential gaps in education from the patient's perspective. A survey was developed with 40 items based on the Pain Assessment Screening Tool and Outcomes Registry (PASTOR), currently used by the military. The electronic survey was completed entirely online, with a total sample of 26 adult participants. The survey research revealed the largest deficits in pain education related to areas of behavioral change. The results indicated a need for improving education delivery to include a broader range of topics affecting chronic pain. Increasing knowledge of pain influencing factors can support more successful self-management in patients. The survey results informed practice improvement recommendations, using a two-pronged educational approach to improve chronic pain care education delivery in the primary care setting. Prong one was the development of a comprehensive patient pain education poster for primary care offices. Prong two was a provider education brochure detailing survey results and pain practice resources.92en-USchronic painpatient perceptionsprimary care providerspatient educationself-managementholistic pain managementintegrative pain managementChronic pain patient perceptions of primary care provider pain educationDoctoral Project