Camp, RichardLam, RogerMatsui, VictoriyaCramer, AshleyPratt, ThaneWoodsworth, BethanyGorressen, P. MarcosNash, Sarah2016-01-252016-01-252016-01-25 1976–1981, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service conducted systematic surveys of forest birds and plant communities on the main Hawaiian Islands as part of the Hawaii Forest Bird Surveys (HFBS; Scott et al. 1986) Since the HFBS, more than 600 surveys of forest birds have been conducted in Hawai`i a variety of organizations, including the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Forest Service, Hawai`i Department of Land and Natural Resources, Kamehameha Schools, University of Hawai`i, The Nature Conservancy, and private consultants. Prior to the initiation of the present project, these surveys were scattered among many different individuals and agencies, and most had never been entered into a computer, analyzed, or reported. These survey data represent a phenomenal informational resource that has not previously been widely available. The Hawai`i Forest Bird Interagency Database Project (HFBIDP) has as its goals to make these data usable and accessible by creating a centralized, standardized database of all forest bird surveys collected since the HFBS; develop current population size estimates, species-habitat models, and distribution maps for all native and exotic forest birds in Hawai`i; examine population trends in species of concern; and present these results in publications and on a webpage, making them available to cooperators throughout Hawai`i.353en-USdata entrydata accessibilityAvian monitoring entry form version 2.1 Hawai`i forest bird inter-agency database projectJournal