Canale, Lisa K.DeVivo, Samantha M.2022-04-232022-04-232020-05 report submitted to the graduate division of the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science Professional Internship Track.My University of Hawai‘i at Hilo professional internship with the Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science (TCBES) program was based at the Pacific Aquaculture and Coastal Resources Center (PACRC) located in Keaukaha on the island of Hawaiʻi. The facility’s long-term goals are to provide infrastructure for world-class aquaculture and marine science programs at the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo and to support commercial aquaculture, fisheries, and conservation. PACRC promotes excellence and innovation in interdisciplinary scientific research, public policy initiatives, outreach activities, and education. At PACRC, I gained valuable aquaculture experience as I served as an intern in live feeds production and in the bivalve hatchery. I assisted in the day-to-day functions needed for the successful husbandry of various species of oysters, microalgae, and rotifers. Knowledge of how aquatic systems work is an essential skill for someone in my academic career path, and learning the techniques taught at PACRC will benefit me greatly in my future endeavors. During my professional internship, I also worked on the Children’s Learning Center project, aiding in the renovation and transition of PACRC’s pavilion space into a new Children’s Learning Center facility. I directly helped in the renovation process while also creating educational resources that will be used in the space once it is completed. I worked alongside my mentors Dr. Maria Haws and Sydney Gamiao involving community outreach and planning for the future use of the Children’s Learning Center while also briefly teaching an after-school program in the unfinished space. Overall, this professional internship provided me hands-on aquaculture experience while also exposing me to education and outreach opportunities.36 pagesen-USHawaiiaquaculturehusbandryChildren's Learning CenterPacific Aquaculture and Coastal Resources CenteroutreachPacific Aquaculture & Coastal Resource Center: Creating the Children’s Learning Center and gaining experience with aquaculture practicesMaster's Project