Caliboso, KaylaDunne, KeaweMorimoto, PashynPagat, ShawneaRomine, Rebecca2020-04-212020-04-212020-04 Caliboso, Keawe Dunne, Pashyn Morimoto, and Shawnea Pagat's poster presentation titled "Determination of Blood Type in a Cohort of College Students" for Dr. Rebecca Romaine's Human Anatomy & Physiology class.<strong>Introduction:</strong> Blood typing is used to determine antigens present on erythrocytes. <strong>Methods:</strong> Twelve subjects participated in the lab. Each subject obtained their own blood sample and determined their blood type using an agglutination test kit. <strong>Results:</strong> The most common blood type in the class was O+ at 34%. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Blood typing is essential to many medical procedures and is critical to blood transfusions and emergency situations. At the conclusion of the lab procedures it was determined O+ was the most common blood type.1 pageen-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesDetermination of Blood Type in a Cohort of College StudentsPresentation